Kuda Msipa has always had a curious and creative mind and from a young age, always contemplated setting up his own business and was fascinated with the world of entrepreneurship.
Developed to help businesses unlock their potential, CUTMEC brings together creative business strategists to collaborate with company founders and senior business executives to help identify opportunities to create increased business value.
“Initially I had very little money to market the business, although I had studied marketing some years ago” explained Kuda. “However, I recognised that we needed to build awareness for our brand to gain market share by cutting through the noise”.
Kuda discovered Skills Bootcamps and signed up to learn about Digital Marketing to help build his knowledge. “We needed to create traction in the marketplace to not only find new customers but also to establish the brand”.
“The Skills Bootcamps – Digital Marketing was a fantastic starting point to learn about the digital techniques that we could employ within the company,” commented Kuda. “The whole experience was really positive and the interaction with other small businesses was invaluable as we could share and talk through the challenges we faced”.
Kuda used his learnings from the course to restructure his marketing activity and utilised digital tools to better track and inform his campaign planning. “As a result of the changes we implemented recommended by the Skills Bootcamps – Digital Marketing, we have identified a potential target market which we were unaware of previously”.
“We now make better use of LinkedIn to communicate with our target audience of entrepreneurs and high-level business executives and our brand awareness has grown significantly”.
“Key learnings from the course were how to develop our brand, developing customer personas, Search Engine Optimisation and the benefits of video for our marketing campaigns,” said Kuda.
He added that content marketing was now more structured and better planned rather than randomly posting and that tracking was now key to providing the data they needed to develop future activity.
“Entrepreneurs play a pivotal role in society and we want to help fire up their imagination to guide and inspire them to even greater things!”
For more information visit www.cutmec.com or connect on LinkedIn
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